aerial view of the Amazon river

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Is Costa Rica Different?

Read the Spring/Summer 2024 issue

Recent Articles

A Review of Llamas beyond the Andes: Untold Histories of Camelids in the Modern World

A Review of Llamas beyond the Andes: Untold Histories of Camelids in the Modern World

Marcia Stephenson’s Llamas beyond the Andes is about humans making use of another animal. With a dustjacket image of Llinda Llee Llama riding in the back of an automobile in mid-20th-century Times Square, this book illustrates how sentient nature has been engulfed by human cultural objectives since Columbus’ arrival in the Americas and the rise of Europe’s global imperial ventures. The window on all this is American camelids: llamas, alpacas and their wild relations, guanacos and vicuñas.

From Our Current Issue


Perspectives in Times of Change

Check out these reflections on social, economic, cultural and political transformations in Latin America, the Caribbean and Latinx communities in the United States.

fisher man wearing a mask walks by a port with boats and no other people
Crime and Punishment in the Americas

Crime and Punishment in the Americas

As 2024 ushered in, newly-elected Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa issued a state of emergency in his country, citing a wave of gang violence spurred by the prison escape of a local criminal leader with ties to Mexico’s ruthless Sinaloa Cartel.

Women CEOs in Latin America: Overcoming obstacles, navigating through challenges

Women CEOs in Latin America: Overcoming obstacles, navigating through challenges

I first arrived in Latin America in 1997, and since then, I’ve been involved in education and the development of leadership and governance issues in the region. During these 27 years—12 of them from Spain—I have had the opportunity to interact with leaders from the region, the private and public sectors, multinationals and small and medium-sized enterprises, and various industries.

Alvarado, Arbenz, Arévalo: The Repair of Guatemala

Alvarado, Arbenz, Arévalo: The Repair of Guatemala

Almost exactly 500 years ago Hernán Cortés dispatched his brother-in-arms Pedro de Alvarado from newly subdued Tenochtitlán to conquer Guatemala. Violent and monumentally willful, Alvarado was a key lieutenant in the Spanish Crown’s conquest of Cuba in 1511 and Cortés’ deputy in defeating Moctezuma’s empire in 1521.

StudEnt Views

Resilience of the Human Spirit: Seizing Every Moment

Resilience of the Human Spirit: Seizing Every Moment

In the heart of Chicago, where I grew up, amidst the towering shadows of adversity, the lingering shadows of generational demons and the aroma of temptation, the key to the gateway of resilience and determination was inherited. The streets of my childhood neighborhood became, for many, prisons of poverty, plundering, crime and poor opportunity.

Book ReviewS

DRCLAS Podcast: Faculty Voices

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